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Lab 1: Digital Portfolio Setup 

Assignment Rationale

Having a digital portfolio will help you display your professional work, increase your digital presence, and provide me with one convenient location to review your assignments.

Where to Start

Read the Digital Portfolio Resources page carefully. Select the free platform of your choice, and begin making your website.

Don't be afraid to search the Internet for helpful sources!

What is Due

A working link to a published website (make sure you aren't sending me the link to your editing page!) that includes:

  • Your name

  • Your major

  • A paragraph about your academic and work experience

  • A note that this website is for a class assignment

  • Optional: you may password-protect your website if you wish. If you choose to do this please add the password to your website in the Assignment Comments box so I can grade it! Otherwise, it will be a 0.


Website Setup ("About Me" Page)

Please read the Digital Portfolio Resources page in this module before starting this assignment. (Remember to read everything in each module every week)

Post the link to your digital, professional portfolio site here. For this assignment, you can link to your site's main page, your about page, or to an introductory Weekly Website post. 

I am checking your website for these things:

  • A working link that I can access (if you password-protect your site, that's fine, but you have to add a comment on your assignment submission that includes the password for every assignment)

  • Your name or an alias (just so I'm sure what I'm looking at when I grade this--pick any code name you'd like, just add it in the comments on this first assignment please) 

  • A specific location for your Reflective Writing assignments (weekly website posts). You might want to call this "My Technical Communication Thoughts", "My blog", "My Reflections" or whatever you'd like. I recommend adding a brief description about the site and what type of writing the visitor could expect to find here.

  • A specific location for your Deliverable assignments. This is where you'll put or upload your major assignments for the course. 

  • An "About Me" page with a short paragraph about your major, relevant work experience, and where you hope to work after you graduate.

  • Optional: resume, samples of other work you've done, and maybe a "Contact Me" form (rather than an email address that could be picked up by spammers).

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